Mission Statement
To unite believers as one in Christ Jesus, both locally and globally, through presenting edifying and God-centered international programming across television and online platforms. Our intention is to broadcast Christian content, in different languages, that inspires sincere faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 7:9), brings unity among believers (Galatians 3:28), and fulfills the Great Commission through media (Matthew 28:16-20).
About Us
Birthed through a lifelong dream, and founded in 2008, by Vahe and Hilda Maranian, International Christian Family Network, Inc. serves a unique purpose of celebrating diversity in the body of Christ and uniting all believers’ hearts as “One in Christ” Jesus. Bridging the multicultural gap within the local and international communities, International Christian Family Network broadcasts 24/7 Christian programming in various languages including English, Armenian, Farsi, Russian, Arabic, and Turkish. Sharing the Gospel, ICFN airs a variety of pro-family and spirit-filled content including inspiring sermons, talk shows, original programming, live shows, movies, music videos, documentaries, testimonies, cartoons, and more.
For years, Vahe Maranian had a deep desire in his heart to start the first Armenian Christian television network and to hear the word of God presented in his native tongue and language. Over time that dream expanded to sharing the love of Jesus, not only amongst the Armenian populace but to all nationalities and in different languages, as it says in Revelation 7:9, “…there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” We believe in introducing all people to the importance of accepting Jesus Christ and developing a personal relationship with Him as their Lord and Savior.
Vahe & Hilda Maranian, along with their three daughters, Natalia, Elena & Carolina, have devoted their time, talents, and treasures to this important mission and calling. Throughout the years, they have made friendship connections and earned the trust of pastors and respected leaders by providing many with the ability to record and broadcast their productions on ICFN simply to share the message of salvation. One of ICFN’s many goals is to partner with churches and organizations that are unified in Christ, but that also may have their own unique cultural expressions and traditions. Churches should agree on the essential doctrines of the Nicene Creed and the command to love God & all humanity with Christ’s love (Mark 12:29-31). The business sponsors should hold beliefs and practices that are not in contradiction to the Christian values as stated in the Ten Commandments (Deuteronomy 5).
International Christian Family Network has the opportunity to showcase, through quality productions and unique content, the heart of Christianity. Through these enriching programs, ICFN hopes to captivate audiences by transforming hearts and changing lives for His Kingdom. Ultimately, ICFN has served as the pivotal bridge among the international populace in uniting believers together, connecting churches, and transmitting the message of faith, hope, and love throughout peoples’ homes. Thank you for giving us the opportunity at ICFN to serve you and your households in sharing the greatest message of all.
Statement of Faith
WE BELIEVE in one God, eternally existent in three persons–Father, Son and Holy Spirit—and that He created everything out of nothing for His own pleasure and purpose.
WE BELIEVE the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the verbally inspired Word of God, inerrant and infallible in the original manuscripts, and the supreme and final authority in matters of faith and life, interpreted by the Holy Spirit to each individual believer.
WE BELIEVE that man was created in the image of God, and when he sinned the race incurred both physical and spiritual death; thus man became alienated from God and incapable of remedying his sinful condition by his own means.
WE BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus Christ was begotten of the Father through the Holy Spirit, was born of the Virgin Mary, and is true man without ceasing to be God.
WE BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus Christ lived a sinless and perfect life that fully pleased His Father; that He died for our sins on the cross, bearing the judgment demanded by God’s Holy Justice against sin, thus making it possible for God to remain Just and at the same time to justify those who believe in Jesus.
WE BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus Christ rose bodily from the dead, never to die again, and is ascended to the right hand of the Father, where He intercedes as High Priest and Advocate on behalf of all who believe in Him.
WE BELIEVE that those who, by faith alone and through no merit of their own, receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior are miraculously born again of the Holy Spirit and become, as children of God, partakers of His divine nature and of eternal life.
WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit baptizes all true believers into the one true Church, His Body; that He indwells them eternally, bestows spiritual gifts upon them, and empowers them for service and holy living.
WE BELIEVE that God through His Word promises those who believe, all things that pertain to life and godliness, including not only salvation from the penalty of sin but instruction in righteousness for present sanctification and victorious living to the glory of God.
WE BELIEVE that two ordinances, neither of which is essential to salvation, are to be observed in obedience to our Lord by all believers until Christ’s return: baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
WE BELIEVE that at death the souls of the redeemed pass immediately into Christ’s presence, to remain there until the resurrection of the body at Christ’s return for the Church. We also believe that at death the souls of the lost go to Hell, where they remain until they are brought before Christ at the Great White Throne final judgment to be judged according to their works and cast into the Lake of Fire, there to remain eternally.
WE BELIEVE in the bodily resurrection of the redeemed at the premillennial return of Christ for His Church, when the souls and spirits of those who have died will be reunited with their bodies, now immortal, and that believers who are alive at that time, their bodies likewise transformed into immortality, will be caught up together with them to meet Christ in the air, ever to be with Him.
WE BELIEVE in the personal, bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ to rescue Israel at Armageddon and to establish His millennial kingdom, reigning over this earth from His father David’s throne in Jerusalem, and that His redeemed will reign with Him in resurrected bodies for 1,000 years.